When To Choose A Stair Lift With A Perch Seat

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Partnering with a company that will install a stair lift in your home can be an important step to keeping your independence as you age. If you've been having trouble getting up and down the stairs safely and confidently, it may be time to arrange a consultation with a stair lift company to learn which type of device will be best for you. Part of this consultation will expose you to the different styles of stair lifts that are on the market, thus allowing you to make a decision about the product that you want. While many devices have traditional seats that allow you to sit down fully, others are equipped with perch seats. A perch seat is a narrow seat that you use while standing. Here are some reasons to choose a stair lift with a perch seat.

You Have Trouble With Sitting

A lot of people appreciate being able to sit down while their stair lift takes them up or down the stairs, but you may lack the physical ability to sit with ease. For example, if you suffer from knee or hip issues, you may find that it's difficult to get into the seated position. Additionally, you may also struggle to stand up once you're sitting down. In this scenario, a stair lift with a perch seat may be a better choice for you. You can rest your backside against the device's seat but not actually have to get into a traditional seated position.

You're Comfortable With Standing

You shouldn't automatically choose a perch seat simply because you have trouble with sitting. Another thing to think about is your comfort with standing. For example, you may have difficulty sitting but feel confident while standing up. Perhaps you even take daily walks around your neighborhood or prefer to stand in your home than sit. In these cases, a stair lift with a perch seat will be ideal for you, as you won't mind standing as you travel up or down stairs.

Your Staircase Has Minimal Clearance

It's also important to think about the staircase in your home when you're trying to decide which stair lift will suit your needs. Stair lifts with perch seats generally extend out from the wall less than those with conventional seats, simply because the perch seat is more compact. This can mean that if your staircase is on the narrow side, a conventional stair lift could be too bulky. In such a scenario, a device with a perch seat may be the best fit for your home. Speak to a local stair lift company to arrange an in-home consultation.
